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You have bravely endured the darkness of 100 feet below the surface! Can you feel your heart race as you come to the final level of the Mineshaft Rabbit Hole??? Then let's get tunneling...



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We have not filmed an official video for "Tomorrow's Gonna Hunt You Down" so Hunter got busy to give you some eye candy, featuring clips from an animator named Savagerus. Hunter took this video in a completely different direction than I anticipated. The song is about being brought to Justice. The music starts as a Western stomp n' clap, and somehow turns into a wild gypsy fiddle in the sky thing. I was going to create a cowboy posse and instead, Hunter said it should be a futuristic war, that The Future was going to hunt you down. Is it about the unavoidable wheels of progress steamrolling over you?  Or is it not so much progress, just something bigger than you that wants to stand under YOUR apple tree?  Either way, this song is about the Big Comeuppance. There is an Armageddon inside all of us, wearing our shoes and leaving grass stains on the knees of our trousers. When the Big Sleep comes for you, will you regret your past and ask Wally at the Gate for mercy? Will it feel like an oddly vivid lucid dream? The ultimate acceptance is something we don't get to experience in this realm, until right at the end, when we see that someone stole the rope ladder off the balcony.

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And with no video shot for "Tomorrow's Gonna Hunt You Down", there are no outtakes! So instead, here is some footage and photos from Bombay Beach - the town that inspired "Mojave."  It is next to the Salton Sea - the largest body of water in California and created by accident in 1907. Bombay Beach is the lowest community in the United States, located 223 feet (68 m) below sea level.  It was created for the glamorous in the 1950's and by the 1980's started to fall into ruin as the sea dried up and grew toxic. No amount of footage can really do the sadness and decay of this town justice. I tried to capture some of that in "Mojave"; it became a source of inspiration to express the American Dream's decay and its stubborn, prideful sense of Manifest Destiny.  There is one restaurant left in town, about 200 people and dozens of abandoned homes rotting next to the Salton Sea, which reeks of sulphur and dead fish on a regular basis. Some of the ruined houses now have artwork in and on them, which creates a truly surreal environment. Bombay Beach is a living metaphor for the heartless passage of time.
If you ever visit the Sonoran desert, Palm desert or Imperial County, be sure to make plans to spend a full, long day out at the Salton Sea, Bombay Beach, Slab City, East Jesus and Salvation Mountain. But have a full tank of gas, plenty of water and maybe survival supplies in case the Universe feels naughty that day...

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And that brings us to the final song on "Mojave". It is almost an answer to "You Never Really Know", encouraging you to let your guilts and improper spirits free to dance the night away. This video has gotten me damned by strangers on the Internet saying it was the work of the Devil !  Well, if it was, he owes me about 30 hours of back pay for putting it together! Well, devil?  I'm waiting...
It was originally called "Ghost Train" and asks the question: is there life after your dreams are broken?
 Whether you toil for Good or Evil, the answer is:

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pour une traduction française de ce qui précède 
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The desert moves differently from the Human Beast. For example, the moment a new killer takes action with his or her weapon of choice. The moment a dictator makes the irreversible decision to execute. The moment a hate crime is committed in the name of an extremist political ideology. Why is our species so fixated on erasing each other?  In the desert, like in any natural environment, death is a constant. But it is a necessary constant. Our world is maintained by one carbon-based unit ingesting another. In the desert, maybe because the landscape is more barren and typically close to the soil, this process seems (at least to me) to be more strategized. The "kill moment" needs to be efficient. In the desert's unrelenting sun (frequently 120 degrees Fahrenheit, or 49 degrees Celsius) an animal kills, eats and then hides from the elements. Where there are trees, shade and oases, there are times for animals to relax; maybe miss a meal and enjoy their day.

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It's only man that makes a sloppy, pointless choice to kill.

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Since there are only a few little outtakes from the "Dance Skeletons Dance" filming, I think it's a good time to show some ideas that haven't found a home yet. Or at least the outtakes from those ideas.  So after Kilroy beating up a flower, here is my nephew Walter learning how to be Kilroy and proof positive you can't see a damn thing out of that mask.

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THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for taking the time to discover more about
We hope you had fun spelunking with us on this weird adventure.
And we really want you
to stick around so we can get to know you too!


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